Verify Passwords

In order to scan devices properly, JDisc Discovery users need to configure access credentials. For security reasons, we do not display the passwords in clear text (neither in the UI nor in the logs). But how do you verify that you made no mistake when you entered the password? Misconfigured passwords lead to an access[...]
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Microsoft LAPS Support

Dear JDisc friends, we understand that storing your crown jewels (administrative accounts and passwords) in products like JDisc Discovery is not something that IT security departments really like. There is always the conflict between being as secure as possible and getting current inventory information (which often requires administrative accounts). Therefore, we implemented on request from[...]
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Hetzner Cloud Support

Dear JDisc friends, we just added the support for the popular German Hetzner cloud. When you provide an API key, then we read information about all your VMs using Hetzner’s REST API. Besides the Azure, AWS, and Cisco Meraki cloud, this is not the forth cloud technology which JDisc Discovery supports. We get information about[...]
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Custom Reports using SQL

Dear JDisc friends, you might have been using our custom reports quite often. The custom reports are in most cases pretty easy to configure. A wizard guides you through the list of available fields and you might add conditions or filter criteria as needed. However, the report wizard covers most requirements, but you cannot express[...]
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Directory Logon Scanning: How to discover Computers that are only sporadically connected to the Network?

Dear JDisc friends,we have now completed a new feature that we have announced for quite some time, but that has now be completed in the new major release JDisc Discovery 5.0. The new feature is called Directory Logon Scanning. So what is the new feature all about. One of the major challenges for agent-less discovery[...]
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New Default Accounts for Windows

Dear JDisc friends, today, I would like to cover a topic which has been causing questions and problems for quite a while. Today, we are talking about how to configure Windows accounts in order to scan Windows servers and clients. JDisc Discovery always tries to minimize login attempts with username/password pairs. Otherwise intrusion detection systems[...]
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