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JDisc Measurement Add-On
The Measurement Add-On gathers counter information for many devices and types. Simple graphs visualize the data.
- Printer
- Printed pages (total, b&w, color, duplex mode)
- Toner and ink level
- Windows Computers
- Use any Windows perfmon counter with user-definable templates
- Sensoren
- We can poll temperature and humidity values from many sensor devices
- JDisc Discovery gathers the current power consumption for each PDU socket
- Routers and Switches
- We collect traffic statistics such as transferred bytes and packets per network interface.
With this information, you always have current and historical usage information for your environment. This information helps to consolidate your environment or prepare cloud migrations.
Interactive Charts
Our built in interactive line charts graphically visualize the usage over time. Peaks and lows can easily be identified.
Windows Perfmon Data
Define individual templates for Windows. A template may contain any counter offered by the Windows Perfmon infrastructure. Deploy any number of templates to a device.
Power Consumption for PDUs
For PDUs, we can collect the current power usage per socket.
Page Counters for Printers
For most printers, we collect the number of printed pages (total, color, b&w, duplex) and toner/ink levels. Aggregations show the values on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly base.
Packets and Traffic Counter for Switches
Switches and routers provide interface statistics such as packets per second, bytes sent, and more.
Temperature and Humidity
Sensor devices provide temperature and humidity information.