JDisc Discovery integrates PAM Solution Passwordstate

Companies use more and more PAM (Privileged Access Management) tools to store, manage and rotate passwords for essential accounts (like domain admin accounts or root accounts for important servers). Especially rotating passwords make a manual configuration within JDisc Discovery impossible. Therefore, JDisc has integrated three password managers (Cyberark, Thychotic, Microsoft LAPS) into JDisc Discovery. Within[...]
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LOG4J – Linux & Windows Script to identify log4j Vulnerability

Dear JDisc friends, find the German translation from our long-term partner i-doit: https://www.i-doit.com/en/blog/jdisc-and-i-doit-it-service-management-with-discovery-and-cmdb/ I think everyone is busy figuring out if any applications are affected by the log4j security issue. While this may be easy for commercial applications, the vulnerability can be difficult to find for custom applications that are hosted in your data centers.[...]
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JDisc Discovery and Log4j – CVE-2021-44228

Dear JDisc users, I am pretty sure that you are aware of the log4j security issue CVE-2021-44228. JDisc Discovery is mainly written in Java and we have investigated whether we are affected. One external library (yavijava – a library to access VMware ESX and VSphere servers) uses log4j in version 1.2.17. We have investigated the[...]
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Verify Passwords

In order to scan devices properly, JDisc Discovery users need to configure access credentials. For security reasons, we do not display the passwords in clear text (neither in the UI nor in the logs). But how do you verify that you made no mistake when you entered the password? Misconfigured passwords lead to an access[...]
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Pending Updates

Dear JDisc friends, upon a customer request, we have implemented a new feature to collect the list of pending updates on Windows and Linux computers. Three weeks ago, we added this feature for Linux and with build 5086 we finalized the data collection for Windows computers. We hope that this data helps to keep your[...]
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JDisc Discovery integrates with Thycotic’s SecretServer

Dear JDisc users, just recently, we have added support for the CyberArk solution for managing accounts and passwords within your enterprise. Due to customer requests, we have integrated the Thycotic second password management tool. Your passwords are no longer stored within JDisc Discovery’s database but stay in the Thycotic SecretServer. JDisc Discovery only requests the[...]
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Local User Password Information

Dear JDisc Users, we have extended our Security Add-On to collect information about local users and their password information. The issue with local users is that they are difficult to control. For users who are part of a Windows domain, it is pretty simple to configure policies to change the password on a regular basis.[...]
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WebUI: New Scanner Component

Dear JDisc friends, we continuously extend our WebUI with new features, and at the same time we migrate existing features from the standard JDisc Discovery client. However, sometimes a redesign is necessary in order to improve the usability of our user interface. The new scanner component provides now a better overview of the discovery process.[...]
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CyberArk certifies JDisc

Dear JDisc friends, We are proud to announce that we have been certified by CyberArk! CyberArk is the global leader in Identity Security. Organizations use CyberArk to manage and secure the human and machine identities in their environment, many of which will have some form of privileged access. Part of securing these identities involves automatically[...]
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