JDisc Discovery – UI basics

Dear JDisc friends, As the new user interfaces reached public preview, we have created a series of videos to explain the basic concepts. Today, we have published the first part. In this part, we explain how to access the new user interface and we dive into the first two sections; overview and scanner. Additionally, as[...]
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JDisc Discovery scans Kubernetes Cluster

Dear JDisc users, we haven’t written new blog posts for a while due to the efforts to redesign our website. But, now as the new web page is released, we are going to continue to inform about new features, developments, or changes in the network discovery universe… Today, I would like to highlight a new[...]
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SSL Ports, Ciphers, Protocols and Certificates

Dear JDisc friends, with the coming build 5136, we have implemented a new feature to the Security and Dependency Mapping Add-On. As you might know, the Dependency Add-On detects the list of open TCP/IP and UDP ports. A customer asked us whether we could get information about the SSL certificates and encryption algorithms for each[...]
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Understand your IT Landscape better

Hello JDisc Friends, With our JDisc Discovery built-in reports and your custom reports, you have achieved a very good understanding of your IT landscape. But is it enough? In order to help you in this direction, we have just implemented in our new Web UI the overview dashboard. In this dashboard, it is possible to[...]
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Using non-administrative accounts to discover Windows computers

Dear JDisc user, have you already been asked by your IT security department not to use local or domain users with administrator rights on Windows computers for network discovery? Unfortunately, Windows doesn’t offer Linux-like privilege elevation methods like SU or SUDO. Of course, security folks want you to embrace the principle of least privilege (PoLP)[...]
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Why Supportability is so important to us

Dear JDisc users, do you feel like the guy in the image when talking to support hotlines? Are you playing ticket ping pong with the support engineer who is permanently asking for new log files or further information? This troubleshooting process can be very time-consuming and frustrating on both sides. At JDisc, we have always[...]
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Security Add-On: SSH Cipher, MAC, and Key-Exchange Algorithms

Dear JDisc users, As usual, we are constantly enhancing our data collection capabilities. This time, we have enhanced our security add-on to collect information about the SSH cipher, MAC, and key-exchange algorithms. When the security add-on is installed and licensed, the discovery configuration dialog offers a new setting for security-related data collections. When JDisc Discovery[...]
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oVirt Support Added

Dear JDisc friends, We are continuously improving our scanning capabilities. Starting with build 5130, we will support Red Hat’s oVirt virtualization management software (starting with version 4). oVirt is similar to VMware’s VCenter. oVirt lets you define virtual datacenters, clusters and assign physical servers to the clusters. The support also includes Oracle’s Virtualization Management software[...]
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Do you know all your Dishwashers?

Dear JDisc friends, we are constantly adding new protocols to improve device detection. The upcoming version (5106) will add two new main protocols to discover IoT devices: mDNS (Multicast DNS) UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) What is mDNS and UPnP? Home automation and IoT devices often support the mDNS and UPnP protocols to publish their[...]
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