JDisc@CeBIT 2015, the Pen Business and the Transparent Text Marker

Hello cebitJDisc friends,

back from the CeBIT 2015, I would like to share my experiences. This was the first time that we presenting our products at the CeBIT and it was a great success for us. Together with our partners Synetics (CMDB i-doit), G-Media (providing services for our solutions) it-novum (ITSM solutions) and procilon (security solutions), we offered a full ITSM product and consulting portfolio that was well received by our visitors. Starting with gathering information about the network environment with JDisc Discovery, we could prove that getting IT information in heterogeneous environments is possible without heavy investments in products and services. This information can then be easily imported into our CMDB partner solutions. At our ITSM booth, we could demonstrate how to import the information seamlessly into i-doit.

For visitors that required consulting on how to configure their CMDB solution and how to setup the complete ITSM solution stack, G-Media and it-novum presented their consulting and implementation skills.

We did already arrange with prospects some appointments before the CeBIT, but we got a lot of positive feedback from visitors that just popped up at our booth. Especially people liked that we are are collecting detailed hardware and software information for devices on the network. However, more important was for them, that we also determine dependencies between devices on the network. For instance, we are getting the physical host to virtual machine relationship for more than nine virtualization technologies, we scan the several cluster techonologies and determine what server belongs to which cluster. Most impressing was the physical network topology detection and dependency mapping module which finds out how devices communicate on the network.

ITSM and the Pen Business

What I also found out is that we seem to have a pen shortage in Germany and in Europe in general. I could see many of those people running from booth to booth in order to get one of their pens. I was thinking about creating a new business unit within JDisc. Currently JDisc is creating affordable software solutions within the ITSM area. Maybe we should start producing affordable pens as well. Then those people do not have to invest a lot of Euros into CeBIT tickets in order to collect pens. I was most impressed by Finn Sorensen, the president of the danish pen collector organization. He told me, that he already has 400.000 pens. Now, he has 400.003 :-). And now, it also completely obvious why we have a pen shortage in Germany. They all go to Denmark :-).

The Transparent Text Marker

We did also experience that talking to people can open your eyes for new product ideas and innovations. Our partner did offer a desinfection spray for your hands. But in fact one of our visitors had a brilliant idea. He was asking whether this is a transparent text marker!

TransparentTextMarkeri-doit’s Transparent Text Marker Prototype

What a great business idea and innovation! To me, it was absolutely clear that this invention can change the world has been waiting for transparent text markers since its beginning! So I was talking immediately with our partner Synetics and we agreed, that the transparent text marker would be a unique innovation and have a virtually unlimited growth potential. Furthermore, we were wondering why nobody else had this idea before although it is so obvious!

As a result, we agreed to join forces and become a leader in the affordable pen business and in the transparent text marker business. I am pretty sure that we can show some more sophisticated prototypes at the CeBIT 2016.

So keep posted, register for our newsletter in order to receive news about JDisc Discovery and the pen business.

See ya next year at the CeBIT!

About The Author

Thomas Trenz
I own and manage JDisc and its network inventory and discovery products. Before I started JDisc, I worked quite a long time for Hewlett-Packard developing software for network assessments and inventory projects. Feel free to contact me on Linked-In or Xing.

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