JDisc goes CeBIT!

this is the first time where we present our products at the CeBIT trade show in Hannover starting at the 16th of March.
All our preparations are running at full speed and we are really looking forward to meet you at the i-doit partner booth in hall 6, block H16, booth 010. You find there everything about ITSM including tools, products and consulting. Our partner i-doit has invited us to attend their partner booth and we are proud to participate. The slogan for the booth is “For the machanics of the modern world”. We see our ITSM tools, products and services as the engine for today’s enterprises as no company can live without a powerful IT organization. And believe us, we have the horse powers you need… 🙂
The ITSM booth is hosted by our CMDB partner Synetics. I guess you all know their product i-doit. IT-Novum, an excellent provider for ITSM solutions and OpenSource specialist offers solutions that cover the whole ITSM stack. G-Media is a consulting company that focusses on consulting around ITSM. They have successfully completed a lot of JDisc Discovery projects. Last, but not least procilon IT-Solutions, a provider for IT security solutions.
Come to our booth and let’s talk about ITSM!
Looking forward meeting you there!
P.S.: If you don’t want to spend money on a CeBIT ticket, then just send a mail to info@jdisc.com and you’ll get an electronic ticket for free.