What’s coming next?

Recently, we have released JDisc Discovery 3.0.What is coming next in the area of network inventory and documentation So you might ask yourself what will be coming next…

We are currently working on some minor enhancements from some customers such as collecting the duplex mode for network interfaces. As usual, we are also continuesly adding new devices that we support.

But we will also add additional efforts into out networking add-on which discovers the network topology and collects configuration files from switches and routers. The next evolution of this add-on integrates WLANs into the network map. It visualizes which devices connect to what WLAN. Furthermore, we will be able to filter a network topology map by VLANs.

However, our users are always welcome to add new ideas or requirements to our blog. Don’t hesitate to add your ideas. Sometimes, they are easier to implement than you thing…

About The Author

Thomas Trenz
I own and manage JDisc and its network inventory and discovery products. Before I started JDisc, I worked quite a long time for Hewlett-Packard developing software for network assessments and inventory projects. Feel free to contact me on Linked-In or Xing.

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