Desktop Services Client Access License (CAL) Discovery

Was sind Client Access Licenses (CALs)? Client Access Licenses (CALs) sind ein Lizenzierungsmodell, das von Softwareanbietern, insbesondere für Serversoftware wie Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop, verwendet wird, um zu regeln, wie Nutzer und Geräte auf ihre Server zugreifen. Im Wesentlichen bieten CALs die Berechtigung für Nutzer oder Geräte, sich mit den Diensten der Serversoftware zu verbinden[...]
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IP Scanner: Welche Geräte werden erkannt?

Liebe JDisc Freunde, als IP-Scanner-Produkt, das alle Geräte in Ihrem Netzwerk erkennt, bekommen wir oft die Frage gestellt, welche Geräte wir unterstützen. Für welche Gerätetypen, Hersteller und Betriebssysteme haben wir spezielle Scan-Prozeduren für bestimmte Software-Elemente? Die Beantwortung dieser Frage war für uns immer eine ziemliche Herausforderung, und wir wollten diese Liste nie manuell pflegen, da[...]
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Manage Access Credentials in JDisc Discovery

Liebe JDisc Nutzer, JDisc Discovery benötigt Zugangsdaten, um exzellente und vollständige Inventarinformationen zu erhalten. Die Konfiguration von Zugangsdaten kann schwierig sein und in einigen Fällen sogar gefährlich, wenn sie nicht richtig verwendet werden. JDisc Discovery verwendet eine Vielzahl von Protokollen und APIs, um Informationen zu erhalten, und alle von ihnen erfordern Zugangsdaten. Außerdem gibt es[...]
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How much Traffic is caused by the Discovery?

Network traffic generated by the discovery
Dear JDisc friends,a frequently asked question that arises from customers and prospects is: how much traffic does the discovery put on the network? Of course, it is not easy to answer this question. There are many factors that influence the generated traffic for a device. For instance, the device type is a major criteria. Scanning[...]
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New User Interface – Alpha Version

Dear JDisc friends,we are working already for quite a while about our new browser-based user interface. The new user interface is meant as an early developer preview or alpha version. Its purpose is to provide an impression of what the new UI will look like. Furthermore, we want to offer customers the possibility of early[...]
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Too many open Windows Error – Split Windows!

Dear JDisc friends, have you also been confused annoyed by all the different report windows, when working with JDisc Discovery? JDisc Discovery opens a new Window whenever you navigate from one report to another. This can be pretty confusing since you end up easily with more than ten Windows open. In order to simplify usage,[...]
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Collecting IP Configuration

Dear JDisc friends, upon customer request, we have enhanced the data collection to gather IP configuration data. The upcoming build will get information about the IP configuration for each network interface. The IP configuration information includes DHCP server configuration including lease start and lease expiration date configured DNS servers together with the DNS suffix search[...]
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Network Ping Improvements

The actual scope for a network inventory scan
Dear JDisc friends, we got some complaints about the speed of the ping sweep in the past. Especially when pinging large networks which are only sparsely populated. But first some background on the current implementation. We are using Windows API calls for the ping. The API call accepts up to 64 IP addresses to ping[...]
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Devices not responding to Ping

Dear JDisc friends, in the past, we encountered the situation at some customers where devices did not respond to ping (e.g. devices within a DMZ). Devices that do not respond to ping have not been easy to deal with in JDisc Discovery. They have been invisible for most discovery scans. Only a manual scan helped[...]
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