New Remote Desktop Services Client Access License Discovery

What are Client Access Licenses (CALs)? Client Access Licenses (CALs) are a licensing model used by software vendors, especially for server software like Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop, to regulate how users and devices access their servers. Essentially, CALs provide authorization for users or devices to connect to and utilize the server software’s services. CAL servers[...]
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Web UI – Custom Attributes

Dear JDisc friends, Custom attributes allow users to extend device discovery with custom properties and attach them to devices. This feature is supported in our client for quite some time. In release 5176, we have redesigned and implemented this feature in the new Web UI. We  have published a video to explain the basic concepts[...]
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Why Supportability is so important to us

Dear JDisc users, do you feel like the guy in the image when talking to support hotlines? Are you playing ticket ping pong with the support engineer who is permanently asking for new log files or further information? This troubleshooting process can be very time-consuming and frustrating on both sides. At JDisc, we have always[...]
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Verify Passwords

In order to scan devices properly, JDisc Discovery users need to configure access credentials. For security reasons, we do not display the passwords in clear text (neither in the UI nor in the logs). But how do you verify that you made no mistake when you entered the password? Misconfigured passwords lead to an access[...]
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Microsoft LAPS Support

Dear JDisc friends, we understand that storing your crown jewels (administrative accounts and passwords) in products like JDisc Discovery is not something that IT security departments really like. There is always the conflict between being as secure as possible and getting current inventory information (which often requires administrative accounts). Therefore, we implemented on request from[...]
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JDisc Discovery integrates with Thycotic’s SecretServer

Dear JDisc users, just recently, we have added support for the CyberArk solution for managing accounts and passwords within your enterprise. Due to customer requests, we have integrated the Thycotic second password management tool. Your passwords are no longer stored within JDisc Discovery’s database but stay in the Thycotic SecretServer. JDisc Discovery only requests the[...]
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Misconfigured Subnet Masks

Dear JDisc friends, since its beginnings, JDisc Discovery collects network interface configuration information such as IP addresses and subnet masks. When everything is properly configured, and the subnet masks are correctly set on the interfaces, then everything is fine. But what happens when that is not the case? So let’s assume your company has two[...]
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New Feature: Antivirus Software Discovery

Dear JDisc friends, based on several customer enhancement requests, we have extended our Security Add-On to scan the list of installed Antivirus software together with its enabled state and its updated state. The updated state defines whether the Antivirus definition files are up-to-date. This new feature offers a good overview over the Antivirus software used[...]
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How much Traffic is caused by the Discovery?

Network traffic generated by the discovery
Dear JDisc friends,a frequently asked question that arises from customers and prospects is: how much traffic does the discovery put on the network? Of course, it is not easy to answer this question. There are many factors that influence the generated traffic for a device. For instance, the device type is a major criteria. Scanning[...]
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Network Creation Policy

Dear JDisc users, We frequently get feedback from our users that JDisc Discovery creates IP4 networks that don’t exist. So what’s the reason for that? The reason is that JDisc Discovery tries to determine all IP addresses and subnet masks for a device. The IP address, together with the subnet mask, defines the IP4 network[...]
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