LXC and Docker containers are parts of the show now!

  Dear JDisc friends, as you may be also aware, virtualizations have come a long way to help isolating different processes running on a single machine. Two of the most well known ones are LXC and Docker containers. From build 3360, Inventory is equipped with LXC and Docker discovery feature where the status, IP addresses[...]
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JDisc’s improved VMware vCenter Discovery

Dear JDisc Friends, virtualization is a commodity today and VMware is definitely one of the big players in this arena. JDisc has been able to scan VMware ESX(i) servers since its beginnings and we are able to get detailed hardware and software information as well as the list of virtual machines running on the physical[...]
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Detecting VMware, Citrix and MS HyperV Cluster….

Nowadays, server virtualization is commonly used in companies of any size starting from small companies to large data centers. Nearly all professional virtualization technologies support the idea of a resource pool. Image a resource pool as a set of servers and diskspace that can be freely used by virtual machines within the pool. The resource[...]
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Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) and Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)

Redundancy is a key concept for protecting critical environments against single points of failures. Server cluster assure the availability of critical applications on the corporate network. However, redundancy doesn’t help if every component of a critical system is designed in a redundant manner. For network infrastructure devices such as switches and routers, there are protocols[...]
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Collecting VMware Custom Attributes

Job done for the network inventory vmware custom attribute collection
In my previous post about simple ideas, I was talking about the custom attribute collection for VMware. Now, the implementation is done and this new feature becomes part of the coming release 2.8! As usual, it was not that easy as we thought in the beginning. But finally, our R&D team got the job done.[...]
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