JDisc Discovery: 3rd Party Software Components & Licenses

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Dear JDisc friends,

we continuously extend JDisc Discovery with new features. However, one important obligation and a common request that arises from our customers is to reference all 3rd party software components along with their respective license. By sharing this information with you, we enhance our software transparency. Additionally, this enables your corporate legal department to ensure compliance and due diligence.

From Release 5071 onwards, JDisc Discovery complies with this requirement. We expose this information, not only in the brand new Web UI, but also in the classic UI. But where do you find this information?

On the classic UI – JDisc Discovery client, find this information under the Main Menu –> About

Help - About
About dialog

On the new Web UI, simply navigate to Main Menu –> About –> Application Dependencies

Application Dependencies

Are you missing something or you would like to suggest something new? We are always looking forward to getting your feedback and ideas. Please share them in our forum.


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