JDisc Discovery and Microsoft Intune

Dear JDisc users,
Microsoft Intune is a cloud based service that focuses on mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application Management (MAM). You can manage your mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops with Intune.
Most of the devices are only rarely or never connected to the corporate network. Therefore, we have extended our Microsoft Azure discovery in order to gather information about the managed devices.
In order to get the information from the cloud, you first have to create an API key and secret and then add the permissions to access the information via the API key.

Our Azure cloud discovery then reads the managed devices and creates them in our database. Furthermore, the devices will be linked to the Azure tenant which they belong to.
The cloud explorer now lists the devices managed by Intune. The new Intune node below the tenant information lists all devices which are managed by Intune within this tenant.

We also get the IMEI and phone number for smartphoes and tablets with SIM cards.

We hope you like this new feature. Feedback is as always more than welcome 🙂