JDisc’s new „boring traffic jam“ marketing campaign…


JDiscMarketingIf you have every been in the Stuttgart area, you will notice that there is a traffic jam almost anytime. Doesn’t matter whether it is sunday or a weekday.

Normally, I use the time when I am stuck in the traffic jam to make some phone calls. Then I thought „Why not use the traffic jam for a second purpose?“.

So I decided to provide some input to the drivers behind me by giving them my link to the JDisc homepage :-). I found some really nice little shiny 3D letters and I attached them to my „JDisc Ente“…

So I hope that I get some new visitors to our homepage. And I find someone who thinks „Wow, a network discovery and inventory solution. That’s all I every dreamed of and I need to get it now!“… 🙂 But maybe I don’t… Let’s see…

I also would like to thank here Mr. Benz. He is as crazy as me about cars and his garage is full of Citroen. Don’t miss his web page and whenever you are looking for 2CV stuff, he is the man! I’d also like to thank Karl for maintaining my 2CV and let it passing the German TÜV. Karl is also one of the few guys nowadays that can repair a car without connecting a diagnose device to the OBD2 interface 🙂



The „JDisc Ente“ in its usual environment…



About The Author

Thomas Trenz
I own and manage JDisc and its network inventory and discovery products. Before I started JDisc, I worked quite a long time for Hewlett-Packard developing software for network assessments and inventory projects. Feel free to contact me on Linked-In or Xing.

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