Maintenance Release 3.0: Getting Duplex mode for Network Interfaces


Maintenance Network inventory and documentation maintenance releaseToday, we released our maintenance release for version 3.0. As usual, the release comes with a bunch of new features and some bugfixes. Users testing the software often provide feedback on how to improve the software. Getting the duplex mode for network interfaces is just another example. A user testing our software was asking: „Can you collect the duplex mode for my network interfaces?“. After having a short look, we found out, that this is just a pretty small investment and so we decided to implemenet this feature. Having a deeper look into the network interfaces on Linux, we found out, that we can further improve the network interface data collection on Linux. Up to now, we discovered only active interfaces. Interfaces that have been shut down were ignored. From now on, we also list disabled network interfaces. Furthermore, the interface speed detection for Linux network interfaces has been improved by adding two more methods to detect the speed.

Apart from network interface discovery, we added support for Zyxel switches and firewalls. We also improved the Solaris LDOM detection.

One major problem with Hyper-V problems has also been fixed. Our Hyper-V detection failed on systems with non-English locale. A timeout problem within our WMI browser has been fixed as well.

About The Author

Thomas Trenz
I own and manage JDisc and its network inventory and discovery products. Before I started JDisc, I worked quite a long time for Hewlett-Packard developing software for network assessments and inventory projects. Feel free to contact me on Linked-In or Xing.

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Maintenance Release 3.0: Getting Duplex mode for Network Interfaces


Maintenance Network inventory and documentation maintenance releaseToday, we released our maintenance release for version 3.0. As usual, the release comes with a bunch of new features and some bugfixes. Users testing the software often provide feedback on how to improve the software. Getting the duplex mode for network interfaces is just another example. A user testing our software was asking: „Can you collect the duplex mode for my network interfaces?“. After having a short look, we found out, that this is just a pretty small investment and so we decided to implemenet this feature. Having a deeper look into the network interfaces on Linux, we found out, that we can further improve the network interface data collection on Linux. Up to now, we discovered only active interfaces. Interfaces that have been shut down were ignored. From now on, we also list disabled network interfaces. Furthermore, the interface speed detection for Linux network interfaces has been improved by adding two more methods to detect the speed.

Apart from network interface discovery, we added support for Zyxel switches and firewalls. We also improved the Solaris LDOM detection.

One major problem with Hyper-V problems has also been fixed. Our Hyper-V detection failed on systems with non-English locale. A timeout problem within our WMI browser has been fixed as well.

About The Author

Thomas Trenz
I own and manage JDisc and its network inventory and discovery products. Before I started JDisc, I worked quite a long time for Hewlett-Packard developing software for network assessments and inventory projects. Feel free to contact me on Linked-In or Xing.

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