Detect your J2EE Application Servers


appserver J2EE Application Server DiscoveryJ2EE application servers are very popular nowadays as they provide a scalable and stable platform for your enterprise scale applications. However administrators can easily loose control when departments deploy new applications or new J2EE servers. J2EE servers often do not use the platform’s standard installation procedures. Especially Oracle WebLogic and JBoss use either their own installation procedure or can just be copied to the servers disk within any installation procedure.

That’s where the coming release (version 3.0) of JDisc Discovery comes into play. With the next release, JDisc Discovery detects the most common J2EE application servers including the list of deployed applications.

We have already implemented support for

  • Oracle WebLogic
  • JBoss
  • IBM WebSphere

The following screen lists the applications running on a JBoss server on a Linux system. In this case, there is only the demo application „helloworld.war“ deployed.

AppServerDetection AppServerDetection

JDisc detects the application server itself and for WebLogic even the installed web server components together with the list of deployed applications.

We hope that you’ll enjoy the new feature coming in release 3.0…

About The Author

Thomas Trenz
I own and manage JDisc and its network inventory and discovery products. Before I started JDisc, I worked quite a long time for Hewlett-Packard developing software for network assessments and inventory projects. Feel free to contact me on Linked-In or Xing.

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Detect your J2EE Application Servers


appserver J2EE Application Server DiscoveryJ2EE application servers are very popular nowadays as they provide a scalable and stable platform for your enterprise scale applications. However administrators can easily loose control when departments deploy new applications or new J2EE servers. J2EE servers often do not use the platform’s standard installation procedures. Especially Oracle WebLogic and JBoss use either their own installation procedure or can just be copied to the servers disk within any installation procedure.

That’s where the coming release (version 3.0) of JDisc Discovery comes into play. With the next release, JDisc Discovery detects the most common J2EE application servers including the list of deployed applications.

We have already implemented support for

  • Oracle WebLogic
  • JBoss
  • IBM WebSphere

The following screen lists the applications running on a JBoss server on a Linux system. In this case, there is only the demo application „helloworld.war“ deployed.

AppServerDetection AppServerDetection

JDisc detects the application server itself and for WebLogic even the installed web server components together with the list of deployed applications.

We hope that you’ll enjoy the new feature coming in release 3.0…

About The Author

Thomas Trenz
I own and manage JDisc and its network inventory and discovery products. Before I started JDisc, I worked quite a long time for Hewlett-Packard developing software for network assessments and inventory projects. Feel free to contact me on Linked-In or Xing.

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