SNMP Custom Data Collection

Dear JDisc friends, first of all I wish everybody a happy new year 2021! JDisc Discovery supports since its beginnings the collection of custom attributes via scripts and reading registry keys. The custom attribute data collection is often used by customers to collect information that JDisc Discovery does not collect out-of-the-box. However, some customers requested[...]
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Hetzner Cloud Support

Dear JDisc friends, we just added the support for the popular German Hetzner cloud. When you provide an API key, then we read information about all your VMs using Hetzner’s REST API. Besides the Azure, AWS, and Cisco Meraki cloud, this is not the forth cloud technology which JDisc Discovery supports. We get information about[...]
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JDisc Discovery API

Dear JDisc friends, you might know, that we are currently working on the new browser-based user interface. We are going to use modern technologies to make the user interface as responsive as possible. Technology-wise, we need to implement a REST interface for our application. The REST interface is being used to communicate between the JDisc[...]
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Disable Discovery Protocols for selected Devices

Dear JDisc friends, we are permanently improving our software. This time, we got requests from customers that our discovery is creating security alerts on specific devices when trying to connect via SSH or other protocols. Especially firewalls don’t like when applications try to connect via SSH. Wouldn’t it be cool to define that remote login[...]
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Custom Reports using SQL

Dear JDisc friends, you might have been using our custom reports quite often. The custom reports are in most cases pretty easy to configure. A wizard guides you through the list of available fields and you might add conditions or filter criteria as needed. However, the report wizard covers most requirements, but you cannot express[...]
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MAC Address Lookup using a Jumphost

Dear JDisc friends, we have nearly finished a new feature. We will be able to get MAC addresses from devices in remote networks. That doesn’t sound too spectacular, does it? However, this is a pretty important feature and I am going to explain why. Furthermore, it is not that easy to obtain mac addresses for[...]
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Java Installations and License Risks

Dear JDisc friends, as you might know, Oracle has recently changed its license terms for Java usage. Most people think of the Java virtual machine as free software. However, that was not always true and is definitely not true with Oracle’s recent changes.In the good old days, you just went to the Java page and[...]
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Cisco Meraki Cloud Discovery

Dear JDisc users, Cisco offers with Meraki a cloud-based management solution for your switches and access points. Although it is still possible to detect the switches and access points using the SNMP protocol some information (such as the serial number for access points) is only available through the portal. Therefore, we have implemented access to[...]
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Amazon AWS Discovery

Dear JDisc Discovery users, after adding support for the Microsoft Azure cloud, we worked on integrating the Amazon AWS cloud in JDisc Discovery. Build 5001 supports the discovery of Amazon AWS accounts. In the first step, we just check for virtual machines resources within the EC2. Later, we will add more AWS services on request[...]
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Measurement Add-On

  Dear JDisc friends, we have completed our new product “Measurement Add-On” with the new major release JDisc Discovery 5.0. The goal of that product is to measure and report utilization data over time. This data is extremely useful for consolidation or cloud migration projects. In contrast to network monitoring tools, we focus on documenting[...]
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