Integrated Partner Solution – AixBOMS

AixBOMS is the first advanced CMDB on the market to fulfill the modern requirements from ITIL to BSM and even more …

AixpertSoft has developed the ITIL -compatible CMDB AixBOMS for company-wide asset and configuration management, which is already being used by numerous customers in the TOP500 business segment. This huge acceptance is based among others on the outstanding tool properties, as well as a wealth of development and projecting experience in this landscape which is simply unique on the market.

The core application areas of AixBOMS far exceed the requirements of the ITIL standard. Together with the management and documentation of the entire information and communications infrastructure, AixBOMS provides tools for business service and service management, contract and asset value management, master data management and process control, together with special applications for cable and connectivity management, for assigning net addresses or management of data center space.

AixBOMS is thus the central broker for first-rate configuration data and the central management console for total information and communications management.

The standard scope of AixBOMS already offers 21 meta object classes and more than 150 pre-defined standard object classes. The open data model without hierarchy restrictions depicts practically any data structures based on the defined object classes and “many-to-many-relations”.

The necessary data are saved in a consistent ITIL-compatible CMDB whose upgradeable data model provides the basis for multi-technology registration and provision of all information for the IT core business. A sophisticated system of rights ensures that the data are always put to their proper intended use.

AixBOMS is currently the only point solution CMDB to offer practical verification of the complete requirements for BSM (Business Service Management). Specially developed models permit extensive root cause and impact analysis of the depicted service and configuration landscape. In contrast to monitoring consoles, manual updating is minimized by generating complete structures from templates; furthermore, it is even possible to depict both historical and planning (future) statuses. Complete integration in the professional (process-controlled) change management is naturally also included.

Customer projects in the enterprise environment repeatedly show that the depiction structure suggested in the ITIL standard or existing systems is frequently no more than an unsatisfactory basic framework. The “advanced” properties of the AixBOMS CMDB therefore initially stand for practically unlimited depiction of data structures “out-of-the-box”.

A further “advanced” property of AixBOMS consists of the rule-based check layer (business rules). Only rule-based and checked data manipulation and registration safeguards high data quality in the extremely complex information contexts met in practice today. Finally, the combination of complex but simply handled data structures, rule levels and checks, together with process-controlled data processing (with assistants and wizards or through ITIL core processes) make AixBOMS the high-end product on the CMDB market

AixBOMS’ applied architecture with its convenient interfaces makes AixBOMS the perfect integration platform in any IT management system landscape. It is easily adapted to individual customer requirements or existing systems, without losing the properties of a standard product. In this way, AixBOMS serves all IT management areas as a consistent database for prompt exchange and correlation of practically any information in the real IT and business processes.

Requirements of international analysts for a CMDB

Within the researches of international analysts the following minimum requirements for a CMDB are claimed:

  • Federation of multiple data sources: AixBOMS provides a highly flexible ETL-tool for the integration of arbitrary, multiple data sources (Integration Engine)
  • Data reconciliation and consistency check (compliance): AixBOMS here also offers appropriate tools and automatism within the Integration Engine
  • CI visualization: AixBOMS Navigator technology allows a context sensitive visualization (service, configuration, connectivity, networking)
  • CI maps: AixBOMS Navigator technology supports not only preconfigured but also custom-specific maps