SSH Remote Identification

SSH Remote Identifier Information
Dear JDisc friends, when JDisc Discovery connects via secure shell (SSH) to a device then the device’s SSH agent returns its remote identification string – even if the access credentials do not match. The remote identification string usually contains the vendor or the SSH service on the device and its version. In the past, JDisc[...]
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Support Entitlement Information

Dear JDisc friends, it has been a while since the last blog post. In fact, we have added a lot of new features that you might not be aware of. This blog post just reports the most prominent enhancements. Refer to our release notes for more details. The most prominent and long-awaited feature is the[...]
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JDisc Discovery 4.0 uses 64 Bit!

JDisc Discovery in 64 bit
Dear JDisc friends, we are happy to announce our first 64 bit JDisc Discovery product. With version 4.0, JDisc Discovery can utilize more memory than before. This enables more concurrent device discoveries and thus speeds up the discovery process. The second major features is a new and simplified installation procedure. Installing and updating JDisc Discovery[...]
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Major Release: JDisc Discovery 3.4

New Major Release 3.4 today we published our new major release 3.4. We constantly enhance our products with smaller enhancements. Typically, we create a new build with bug fixes and smaller enhancements every week. Check out our release notes if you are interested in the details. At least once a year, we add new major[...]
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BIOS Windows OEM Key

software license management
Dear JDisc friends, in order to simplify the Windows installation process, most hardware vendors provide the OEM license key within the computer’s BIOS. We have enhanced our device discovery in order to retrieve the stored license key. We store the license key attached to the BIOS firmware object. The license key is also available within[...]
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Small Plates and JDisc Discovery Enhancements…

network discovery changes
Dear JDisc Friends, small plates can be very tasty. The same is true for JDisc Discovery enhancements. You do not need to add the new big killer feature. Sometimes, smaller and even easy to implement features can add a lot of value to our product. The feature I am presenting now is an example for such[...]
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Feature Preview: Router and Switch Module Assignment to Network Interface Ports

This new feature made it into the JDisc Discovery 3.0. Enterprise routers and switches often have module slots for extension modules. Those modules often provide new high speed network ports such as 10GB ethernet uplinks. Of course, administrators want to know which modules are part of a switch or router. JDisc Discovery did collect this[...]
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